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Our CPD Offering 

Continued Professional Development

We are proud to be providing our own CPD Presentation of 'Designing the Connected Home'.

This CPD is accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and explores the design and installation of technology in the connected home. 

We would love to connect 

Why should architects discuss technology with their clients?

What are the possibilities for technology in projects and the associated processes?

We would be delighted to come to your office and connect with you, buy you lunch and deliver this training to your team.

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CPD - Designing the Connected Home

This CPD explores the design and installation of technology in the connected home. It will explain why good design is so essential in the connected home and outlines the possibilities for integrating technology into projects.

Bringing an integrator into your projects at the earliest possible stage, is of great value to the project.

This avoids expensive changes to project designs, and your integrator can advise on the correct infrastructure for current and future technology in the home.

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Key Points


In all cases getting the right wiring infrastructure in place is key.

The most expensive mistake you can make is not putting infrastructure in at the beginning of a project.


The network is the backbone of any technology installation. All your devices are connected to the network and communicate via the network.

Having a secure and faithful network is the most important part of any project when installing technology.


According to an online statistic from CISCO, most people now have seven devices. 

When you take that into consideration, having everything on a wireless network simply won’t work.


Using a CEDIA member to help with the design, system choice, integration, and automation of a home’s system allows the spaces you design to be enjoyed without having to compromise on aesthetics.

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